
We have shattered the mold of costly interiors with our budget-friendly expert services. Every space is worthy when it is designed in the right manner. Our successful projects, in the long run, define our identity. And you can use the adjective ‘outstanding’ when you browse through the given projects.

Having a perfect home is a major milestone in every individual’s life. Home is made for a lifetime and we love the feeling of getting overjoyed whenever you feel the comfort and vibe of the home that we’ve tailored for you. Far from being a business-oriented firm, Alpha Data has already grown into a trustworthy solution for pocket-friendly homes. Scams are getting on high gear regarding budget homes online and you are hearing these words from a scapegoat for those scams. This lack of reliability and trust is one of the reasons that drove me to start the firm. I can assure my customers that they’ll not ever face something like I’ve faced earlier. We are proud to be the makers of your dream HOME.

Harikumar G Nair


Harikumar G Nair

Our design experts are ready for a talk.

We are just a few feet away from you. Make the first step of your dream home right now. It has never been easier to create your home on your budget. Let's discuss fixing everything up without compromising on the quality. Meet our design experts over a cup of coffee or get ready for a phone call.
